jeudi 7 juin 2007

How to install Domino Server 7 on Debian 4 etch GNU/Linux

Instructions for installing the IBM Lotus Domino Server 7 on Debian 4 GNU/Linux:

* Install gawk

apt-get install gawk
ln -s /usr/bin/gawk /bin/gawk

* Create a group named notes and a user notes in that group with

useradd -m notes


groupadd notes
useradd -g notes -d /home/notes notes

* Unpack the installation files

tar xvf c84w5na.tar

* Enable the X sessions for other users

xhost +

(if you are worried about security you can use X authorizations for this, you can
take a lock to the X documentation to see how you can do this more securely)

* Test the X permissions for a root session

su -
export DISPLAY

(if you don't see the calculator application something is missing !)

* Execute the setup script as root

su -
export DISPLAY=:0
cd linux

(This script is in the linux directory of the files you just unpack)

* Follow the installation instruccions for default

(Of course you may choose a custom installation but considere they may require
extra pre tasks before executing the setup script)

* After the setup script is complete you may startup the Server Configuration Wizard as

su - notes
export DISPLAY
cd /local/notesdata

* Follow the default Server Configuration Wizard instructions

(You may choose a custom configuration here too but depending on them you may
riquired extra pre tasks before configure the server)

* Start the Domino Server

su - notes
export DISPLAY
cd /local/notesdata

(The second time you issue this command the script will see that the server is already configured and start it. If you want to reconfigure the server or do special initializations consult the Domino Server documentation)

* Enjoy your Domino Server on Debian 4 GNU/Linux ! ;) :)


* I have some packages already installed in Debian that may vary from a default Debian installation like the libstd packages or the gcc and make packages.

* If you have configured the SMTP mail services on the Domino Server you will need to disable an already active mail server in Debian with

/etc/init.d/postfix stop


/etc/init.d/exim4 stop

(If you want to disable the mail services for a default system boot, you may use update-rc.d)

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